Author: J.J. Toothman

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: Revolver

    Depending on what day you ask me, Revolver is either my favorite album by The Beatles, one of my 20 favorite albums of all time, or, quite simply, the greatest record I have ever listened to.  It is the album that has a little bit of everything. The song that makes a social statement –…

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: Rubber Soul

    When you take a comprehensive look at the Beatles studio albums, things really begin to change with Rubber Soul.  While you could never guess upon first listen of Rubber Soul in 1965 that the Beatles were about to forego touring to fully explore their genius of making music in the studio, the album offers glimpses…

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: Help!

    A couple of my favorite Bealtes songs are present on Help!  Not suprisingly, Help! has always gotten plenty of play on my stereo if only so I can listen to “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” and “Ticket to Ride”. I’ve sung karoke one time in my life.  It was a disaster.  I’ve sworn…

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: Beatles For Sale

    Take a good look at the album cover.  Not exactly the smiling foursome that the image of their earlier albums presented.  They’re growing into weathered musicians.      Favorite Song “I’ll Follow the Sun”.  Though the guitar intro to “Eight Days A Week” sounds really killer in its remastered state and my kids love to…

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: A Hard Day’s Night

    The Beatles starting getting down to business with this album.  It’s the first Beatles album to be composed entirely of their own songs.  Some additional layers are added to the band’s musical depth.  And as we all know, there was a long way to go.  Imagine listening these early Beatles album back in the early…

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: With the Beatles

    Note: This is part 2 in a series of series of posts I’m writing as I listen to the remastered Beatles discography.  See the entire series here.  I’ve heard that With the Beatles was rushed out by The Beatles’ record company in order to take financial advantage of Beatlemania.  Perhaps that’s why I’ve never listened…

  • Revisiting The Beatles Albums: Please Please Me

    First off, I admit that I’m not an “early Beatles” guy.  I much more preferred the psychedelic influenced explorations that started around Rubber Soul and continued all the way to end.  I doubt that I’ve ever listened to the Please Please Me album straight through more than a couple times and those times it was…

  • The Beatles (Remastered) – Time to Reconnect with the Fab Four

    This week, the Beatles released remastered versions of all of their studio albums.  These are are now loaded onto my iPhone and I plan on listening to it the entire Beatles catalogue from start to finish. And I’m going to blog my way through it, posting memories and other thoughts.  Listening to Please Please Me…

  • What I did this summer

    Where exactly did summer go?  I know there’s there are still 10 days left, but we all know the state of mind known as summer comes to a halt after Labor Day weekend has passed us by.  I haven’t done much blogging beyond the occasional posting of a photo from my iPhone (yup, got a…

  • Jude’s first sox cap

    Let’s hope starts a hot streak.