Category: News
Jude is 10 years old today
Jude is 10 years old today. As I did on the occasion of Mason’s tenth birthday, here’s a few randomly assorted memories I have about the day Jude was born. 1. Modern medicine at its most evolved. A planned, scheduled birth. Keturah was scheduled to give birth around 9 am and we were supposed to…
Nom-Nom 1.0
Nom-Nom is a series of dinner parties we hold at our house in Sudbury, Massachusetts. Nom-Nom 1.0 was held on December 16, 2017 and featured Pastrami from Katz Delicatessen in New York City.
Mason is 10 years old today
Almost exactly 10 years ago at this moment, this happened…/226784…/in/album-72157594222125545/ This day has me feeling a bit nostalgic, so to recognize Mason turning 10 today, here’s 10 random thoughts. Mostly from that day. 1. It was a long day. Keturah went into labor the afternoon before, while she was at work in downtown SF. In…
Wow, it’s been a whole year
Every January for the past 4 or 5 years, I resolve to write a blog post. I like writing. I don’t think I’m particularly great at it, but I do like it. And I perceive writing to be something I can improve at if I simply actively write something every day. That’s why I want…
So…Why Sudbury?
Keturah held our first gathering of friends at our place over the weekend. Partially a BBQ. Partially a housewarming party with a lot of kids play date flavorings (there was a bouncy house after all). We called in Sudtoberfest. Lots of people I haven’t seen in quite a long time. Some over 15 years. Anyway,…
Mission Accomplished – Reflecting on moving cross country
Complete. The long transition that Keturah, Mason, Jude, and I began in Northern California this past April and took us through a summer in Connecticut, finally came to a conclusion in Sudbury, Massachusetts on September 1 when we closed and moved into our new house. Moving a family of four from one coast of the…
While I had the flu
The first sign of the flu came to me in the form of lower body aches last Thursday morning. Bu that afternoon, it had become a full body ache and I was done for. I would be completely bedridden for the next four days. Then mostly bedridden for another one. Only this morning did I…
Keturah + J.J. = 10 years
What I knew is that it was at some point this month. And in fact, I got major points for not only remembering, but for recognizing the occasion with a gift that I gave to Keturah while we were in New York the other day. But I didn’t know the exact day in the the…
The post where I finally talk about leaving San Francisco
I’ve had a hard time getting myself to actually write this blog post. In fact, I can’t believe I’m about to type the very next sentence. My wife, our two sons, and myself are moving away from the San Francisco Bay Area. When I moved to San Francisco in 1999, it was a dream come…
My war on junk mail
About 6 months ago, I decided to I wanted to do something about the crap that was filling up my mailbox. I’m not talking about my email inboxes. Yes, there’s a lot of junk that finds its way in there, but unsubscribe links and filters are adequate ways to wage digital war on your email…