Steve Jobs Tributes
There’s been a abundance of excellent web pages published giving tribute to the life and legacy of Steve Jobs in addition to the many excellent articles and blog posts. Here’s a collection of some of the ones I’ve appreciated the most. Apple homepage
On the passing of Steve Jobs
And just like that, Steve Jobs was gone. (Note: I rarely cross post the same piece to multiple blogs. But in a tribute to Steve Jobs, I’m going to do so with this post. Steve liked to say that he worked where technology met the liberal arts. His work crossed a lot of boundaries. In…
So…Why Sudbury?
Keturah held our first gathering of friends at our place over the weekend. Partially a BBQ. Partially a housewarming party with a lot of kids play date flavorings (there was a bouncy house after all). We called in Sudtoberfest. Lots of people I haven’t seen in quite a long time. Some over 15 years. Anyway,…