Social Media Club’s Call to Duty

I blogged about this over on Red Pill, but since my personal site URL was in the press release, I felt I should post a comment on the announcement of an interim Board of Directors made up of 42 industry leaders.  Of which, I am honored and humbled to be included in. 

Last week Chris Heuer sent an email to a list of his trusted colleagues asking for their participation in an interim board to make some critical organization decisions that will shape the organization into the future.  The most interesting thing about that email, and surely the subject of a future post somewhere, is that hardly anyone declined the invitation.  And secondly, its an impressive list of folks.  A group I’m proud to be a part of and confident will establish Social Media Club as an first-rate organization serving this rapidly emerging industry.

Here’s the entire list of everyone participating


There’s actually room for one more if you would like to participate.