I found the thumb drive that had my Gov 2.0 Expo notes on yesterday. And decided to run it through Wordle and see what insights I could gain. Here’s what Wordle returned to me:
As for thoughts and insights…
- You can either interpret this image as this is what I actually took notes on or these are the memes that I encountered most. I definitely did not take any notes during any discussions about cloud computing. Mainly because the discussions were along the lines of “cloud computing computing is important and you should look into it” (thanks I already know that) as opposed to “here’s how you develop a cloud computing strategy.”
- Open data in government and data.gov is hot. And I was certainly seeking out panels which can give me insights into that.
- I definitely took the most notes during the RDF linked data session led by Sandro Hawke which skewed my notes and weighted the word “data’”.
- The weighting of the words “open” and “sharing” are interesting. So is “better”.