
This post is about announcing a new project I’ve been working on for the last few weeks.  I’m about to write a roundabout story about why I started a Gov 2.0 tumble log, but if what you really want to know is where this new site is.  It’s at  You are free to click and go.

I love blogging.  I really do.  So much that I have about 5 or 6 blogs focused on various niches and topics.  From my personal friends and family blog to my Red Sox blog to the blog you are reading right now.  Having worked on various blogs for clients and myself over the past 5 years, I know what it takes to build a robust blog readership and community.  And the truth is I don’t have that amount of time for even one of my blogs, let alone the 5 or 6 ((seriously, I’m not actually sure how many blogs I admin or write for)) sites that I run.

But I do love the medium and I do love participating in the blogosphere’s role in pushing forward a meme.  Every day, I read a post or article on the Internet about which I want to share what I’m thinking, write about, and call attention to.  And every day, I don’t get around to doing that.  And I end with a pile of shortcuts on my computer desktop that stare at me every time I sit at my desk.  Ultimately, that reaches a tipping point and I’m forced to declare a form of blogger bankruptcy by moving a lot of shortcuts into the recycle bin.  Given that not-so-compatible with my life workflow, I’ve  become obsessed with Web curating in recent months.  And as far as I’m concerned, Tumblr ((mainly because of its bookmarklet)) is the best tool for this. 


And so I give you Gov 2.0 Tumble log as a companion to this site.  Expect it to be a sort of multimedia link blog on the topics of Government 2.0 and Open Government.  Because I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and work at NASA, you can expect an occasional content slant in that direction.  Mostly, I hope that it can help you soak up all the wonderful progress and evolution taking place in the Gov 2.0 space.