Month: March 2008

  • WP Contact Manager – Turn WordPress into a web based contact directory

    I have to admit that I never would have thought of this:

  • Thoughts on 2008 SXSW Interactive

    I’ve been extremely tardy in writing a recap post about my trip to Austin, Texas for the SXSW interactive Festival.  Suffice to say, it was an amazing experience and an event that I will be returning to in years to come.  One thing that was pretty clear about this gathering of technology, interactive, and social…

  • A Former Austin Resident’s Recommendations on What To Do.

    In preparation for heading to Austin for SXSW I asked a buddy of mine who used to live in Austin for his recommendations on what to do, where to eat, etc. Here’s what he had to say… Good restaurants -gueros: it’s classic tex mex and in a cool part of town on south congress. Great…

  • Nomar, what the hell happened to you?

    There was a point in time when Nomar Garciaparra was my favorite baseball player alive. And I thought he was the best shortstop around. Argued with various people that he was a better than Jeter, better than A-Rod (remember when he used to play shortstop?). I thought he would lead the Red Sox to the…